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Galata Bridge and Galata Tower

International Workshop on
Seismic Performance of Sub-standard RC 

Structural Members
  7 April 2023   

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming one-day online workshop  as part of our project study supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under Grant No. 119M623.

The workshop aims to bring together academics and experts in the field to exchange knowledge, insights, and best practices.

Wherever you are, you can join our Online Workshop by registering on the site.  We can’t wait for you to take part.

Project Team

Our team is dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience at the workshop. We aim to bring together academics in the field to exchange knowledge and insight and to create an informative workshop that will help you expand your knowledge and skills with existing RC structural members. We look forward to meeting you at the workshop.

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Prof. Dr.

Alper İlki


Assis. Prof. Dr.

Uğur Demir

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Assis. Prof. Dr.

Ö.Tuğrul Turan


Research Assis.

Safiye Gündoğan

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